Annual report 2024
14 Nov 2024This is the fourteenth annual update on the Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies Trust plc. Our aim is to provide a general update on some of our current thoughts and views, insights about existing holdings, and changes to the portfolio over the period.
Elephants can't gallop
20 Sep 2024Coined by Kipling and adopted by investor Jim Slater, "elephants can’t gallop" highlights the easier growth potential of smaller companies. Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies Trust has a track record in this area.
History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes
20 Sep 2024The Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies Trust aims for long-term capital growth by investing in smaller Asian companies, using a distinct investment approach since 1988.
Case Study: Beyond a Tick-Box Exercise
29 Aug 2024Discover how a Kansai Nerolac, India based leading paint company, integrates ESG principles into its operations beyond a tick-box exercise.
Top performing investment trust ISAs over the last 25 years
23 Jul 2024The Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies Trust plc has been ranked as the top performing investment trust ISA over the last 25 years by The Association of Investment Companies (AIC).
Remaining optimistic on emerging markets
06 Feb 2024The year 2023 turned out to be fairly pedestrian in terms of emerging markets’ performance. The asset class was weighed down by China, which recorded its third consecutive year of negative returns.
Annual report 2023
09 Nov 2023This is the thirteenth annual update on the Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies Trust plc. Our aim is to provide a general update on some of our current thoughts and views, insights about existing holdings, and changes to the portfolio over the period.
Solara eclipse
11 Oct 2023Read our India Client Update - October 2023: We shared our learning from investing in India and Solara Active Pharma here.
An essay on not investing
22 Jun 2023Read our India Client Update - June 2023: Insights on our Indian investments and market trends Scottish Oriental has identified and analysed.
Meeting companies amid China’s post-Covid rebound
17 May 2023In a Q&A, our China portfolio managers, Martin Lau, Winston Ke and Helen Chen, discuss investor queries and share insights from recent visits to mainland China.
Annual General Meeting 2022
29 Dec 2022Experience the highlights of Scottish Oriental's 2022 AGM. Delve into the informative presentation by Deputy Portfolio Manager, Sree Agarwal, as he unveils "What to Expect from Scottish Oriental."
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